Gifted and Talented Program
"Gifted and talented children" shall mean those children in grades K-12 who excel, or have the potential to excel, beyond their age peers in the regular school program to the extent that they need and can benefit from programs for the gifted and talented. The Augusta Schools GT Program services qualified students in academics and the arts in grades k-12. We have a uniform identification process for each content area and services in content areas are unique to each identified gifted student. Our academic program consists of a Universal Screening process as well as an off year referral process. Our art program also consists of a Universal Screening process and off year referral process. Our music program screens with the District III and All States programs, as well as the off year referral process.
Universal Academic Screening Process
Universal Screening takes place at the Grade 4 level in the fall of the current school year. All Grade 4 students are screened with a cognitive screener proctored by the Gifted and Talented (GT) Program staff. The GT Identification Team consists of, at a minimum: The GT Coordinator, GT Teacher, a building Principal, Assistant Superintendent, and a Guidance Counselor.
The GT Identification Team reviews the following in a blind scoring process:
Cognitive Ability Screener Scores
Local and State Assessment Scores
Teacher Referral Packets
Any additional data that the team decides is necessary for consideration of identification.
The GT identified student list is finalized by the committee and the GT Coordinator provides the list(s) to the Superintendent’s Office and each building administrator separately. In addition, the GT Coordinator provides a copy of the results for the student's school file. The GT Coordinator contacts the family/guardians of identified students for Consent for Services in the Gifted and Talented Program.
Universal Art Screening takes place in Grade 4 in the spring of each year. Music Screening follows the District III and All States schedules.
GT Referrals for all students in Grades K-12 are ongoing throughout the school year and are initiated through the RTI Process.
Referral Process Beyond the Universal Identification
Any student in grades K-12 may be referred for GT consideration.
Teachers, families and/or students can notify their building administrator, or the GT Coordinator of a referral of a student to the GT Program. An RTI meeting will then be scheduled by the building administrator and will include the GT Coordinator, GT Teacher, and classroom teacher .
The RTI Team will review multiple sources of data including, but not limited to: district universal screening data, assessments, daily school work and observations to determine if a referral for GT screening is appropriate.
If the RTI Team determines a GT referral is appropriate, the classroom teacher of the referred student will complete the GT referral packet and submit it to the GT Coordinator.
GT staff will then screen the referred student and the GT Coordinator will contact the building principal, classroom teacher, and the student's family when the screening has been reviewed by GT staff. If the student qualifies for GT programming the GT Coordinator meets with the building principal and classroom teacher and will discuss Consent for Services with the student's family.
Re-Referral of a student may occur after a minimum of two years from the last GT Screening and will be determined by the GT Coordinator and GT Staff.
Programming for identified GT students
The GT Coordinator works closely with building principals, the guidance department, and classroom teachers to develop appropriate programming for identified students in academics and the arts. The GT Teacher works closely with building principals, and classroom teachers to create a schedule for servicing identified students in each of our schools.
The Augusta School Department GT Services Model includes the following options for GT students:
Differentiated curriculum within the regular classroom designed together by the GT teacher and Classroom teacher
Push in or Pull Out services within the general education setting
Individual or small group instruction
Consult between the GT teacher and Classroom teacher
Acceleration when appropriate and qualified
AP and Honors courses
On-line or on campus college level courses
Participation in advanced art and music exhibits, performances and classes