Title I Services

Program Overview

The Title I Program, delivered in the elementary schools, is a schoolwide program that provides comprehensive strategies that address the needs of all students in the school. The aim in schoolwide programs is to create a holistic and integrated approach to improving edcuational outcomes.

Survey input from parents and staff are considered when planning, designing and implementing Title I services. Parents are always welcome to join the ASD parent advisory group by contacting the Federal Program Director; Theresa Violette

Title 1 logo

Key Features of a Schoolwide Title I program include:


Use funds to support a wide range of strategies, programs, and initiatives that benefit the entire school community.

•Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Schools are required to conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify specific challenges   needs of their student population.  This assessment informs the development of a schoolwide plan that outlines how Title I funds will be allocated to improve student achievement.

•Comprehensive Plan

The Schoolwide plan outlines the strategies and interventions that will be implemented to improve instruction, enhance curriculum, provide professional development, and promote family and community engagement.

•High Quality Instruction

High quality instruction is emphasized for all students.  This involves differentiating instruction, implementing evidence-based practices and personalized learning approaches that cater to the diverse student population.

•Family and Community Engagement

Schools are working to engage parents, families, and the community in the educational process.  Workshops, outreach, and other events are created to ensure parents are active partners in their child’s education.

Additional Information

It’s a parent's right to request the qualifications of their teacher. Whether the student’s teacher: 

  • has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; 

  • is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and 

  • is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. 

In addition, parents will be informed if their child is being taught 4 or more weeks by a teacher who does not meet full certification of the teaching position they are in. If at any time there is a question about a teacher’s certification, please contact the Federal Program Director or Assistant Superintendent in the Superintendent’s office. 

Parents have a right to request information regarding any State or school department policy regarding student participation in State and Local assessments. Here is the ASD Assessment Schedule for SY2023-2024. Please contact the Federal Program Director or Assistant Superintendent at the Superintendent’s office.

The ESEA Dashboard is available under each school on the Augusta School Department website. ESEA Data Dashboard includes all data elements required under ESSA (student behavior, finance, staff, academics - disaggregated by student group where applicable) and information related to a schools eligibility of support within Maine’s Model of School Support. Tutorials on how to use and navigate the dashboard are at the following link: http://www.maine.gov/doe/learning/esea/guidance 

Title IA funds are set aside to provide Title IA eligible students at St. Michael School, the educational services deemed equitable if these students were attending their neighborhood school.

The ASD must reserve funds for homeless children who do not attend participating Title I schools.  The McKinney-Vento Education Act must be followed and a district level liaison is assigned to support temporarily housed and/or unhoused students.  Support services are provided to children whose nighttime residence is not fixed, adequate, and/or regular. Reach out to the ASD McKinney- Vento Liaison who is here to help with enrollment, transportation, school stability and basic needs for school success.  

If you would like information about the Maine Department of Education’s page for ESSA resources and technical guidance click this link.