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134th Chizzle Wizzle - WORLD TOUR

SHOW DATES : Tuesday - Friday, March 18-21

134th Executive Committee:

President - Thea Kanaris, Vice President - Natalie Dube, Producer's Assistant - Nela Parker, Asst. Stage Manager - Amiel Sookma, Asst. Tech Director - Connor Stonier, Asst. Set Design - Matteo Hardy, Make Up Manager - Cassandra Lewis, Costume/Prop Manager - Claire Morse, Ticket Manager - Carter Miville, House Manager - Lorelei Grady, Program Manager - Rekha Goonesekere , CW Ball Manager - Aahana Bhatt

134 Pin Design by senior

Loralie Grady

The 134th Ends & Alternates:

Dakota Genther -- Rekha Goonesekere -- Gabriella Martinez -- Carter Miville -- Lilah Ramirez -- Juliannah Soper

Shujun Chen & Matteo Hardy

Click the Vimeo link below to watch and download past Chizzle Wizzle performances for FREE (each year will be added after).

Chizzle Wizzle Vimeos

We'd like to thank Digital Spirit Media/CTV-7 for making it possible to share these to the community free of charge!!

Check out some photos of the 133rd show, When Pigs Fly, from the KJ!